A friend, one of my best friends that I had known for roughly four, five years. He had gotten me into anime. All he ever talked about was the Japanese cartoons, he lived for it. Around 10th grade, he had gotten me into drawing, which I talked about a bit in My Artistic Phase. Well he always did seem a bit jealous of my drawings, and criticized where criticism wasn't needed, and pointed out very minor details. Something a bit like "this is a little to big" or this "line is a little off". At first I couldn't tell of his envious. I just started drawing, so I took his criticism as a complement to better my projects.
It got to the point in 11th grade, where he was just rude. He always said he was a blunt person, but there is a difference between being blunt and just being flat out rude. Bully would be the correct label for him if I wasn't his friend. Judging people left and right, while getting offended by the littlest of things. He was right, he was ominous, no one could ever be better than he.
I couldn't stand it anymore, so I had thought about not being friends with him anymore. Venting to my best friend in which we shared this friend. I had voiced my thoughts, I don't think my best friend intended this, he has a neutral type personality. Some how though it came up to the friend we share, that I didn't want to be his friend anymore. I don't remember how it all went down, but I remember him wanting to call me.
This was after another incident where I was mad at him. While I was playing Xbox with the two (I'm not a big gamer, so that was the first and only time I had played with them). He kicked me from the group as we were all grouped in an online lobby. I text my best friend to find out what was going on, and he didn't really know at first, and said it was the friend we shared. So I end up texting him to find out why and I was pretty upset, I blew up on him. He called me and said it was because I was being a smart alack, which he had been use to, that's my personality.
He called me however after he read the message I sent him to the whole lobby online. Of course I was livid, it was uncalled for. It took me almost two weeks I believe to answer his call. He called me a couple times everyday until I answered. All he wanted to say was he didn't want to be friends anymore because I put on a mask, changing my personality to please everyone. I don't and I will go over a post of why it may seem like I do. To me though, that was just a waste of time. Why call someone that many times just to tell them something that could have been done over a text? I obviously didn't want to talk to him.
I guess I should mention this all happened over the summer finishing 11th and heading to 12th. We ended up being in piano class the next year, 11th grade. Him and the friend I was talking about in part 2 of this story shared the class. I don't remember if we text each other over this, or if it was just something discussed in piano class, but we ended up becoming friends again. All I have to say was big mistake there. His true colors didn't show until our friend from part two of my story got cancer.
Not able to speak for someone else, I will go over what I saw from my perspective. After Thanksgiving he seemed shorter with me, which I thought was weird, it was around the same time I really started hanging out/ being their for HIS best friend. Where he grew more distant. Around Christmas, I'm thinking it was Christmas break he didn't want to be my friend anymore. Of course I was upset once again, though not really supersized, though he did it when I needed him the most. Our friend was going through tough times which was emotionally draining to all his friends, and my other friend just recently lost his father.
Things only got harder though as I wanted to be home schooled. I was having troulbles with bullies, and not having many friends, it was almost pointless for me to go to school. I wasn't even looking up homeschooling and had seen that kids who get home schooled normally are more creative. That was all I needed to hear, I love being creative. So I decided to talk about it with my parents when things turned for the worse. I just got done thinking things could only get better on from here on out, but the just wasn't the case.
Here ends this chapter, and begins the next. I'm not sure when I will get the rest of this story typed. I'm heading home tomorrow sometime in the morning and wont be getting home until late. Also I'm not sure if I will be posting anything tomorrow just due to the stress and being tired from the ride. If I do happen to get a post out, it will probably consist of a few pictures taken, and how things went.
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