Monday, March 7, 2016

Summer Plans

     I have a good amount of activities planned for this summer. I did plan on doing a separate post over each thing but I felt I wouldn't be able to come up with enough to say for just one project. If I feel like to split this post than I will, and I will more than likely find more things I would be willing to try this summer as well.

     One of the things I planned for this summer I had mentioned in my article Backpacking. For those who haven't read it yet feel free to, but basically I plan on traveling around a bit. By foot is ideal since that is backpacking. Traveling in general though would be just as fun. I had also planned on taking a plentiful amount of pictures for my nature blog, or a new photography blog if I feel the need to be organized about my photos.

     Aside from backpacking however, I also plan on trying to plant a flower bed, and possibly a rose bed. I love plans, if it were up to me the whole yard would be nothing but flowers and trees, but my parents aren't to keen on that idea for some reason. Part of the reason I want to plan beds is so I have more plants to turn into stars. I would be able to take pictures daily and upload them on my photography blog Opachii's Photography. More than likely if this happened I would create separate blogs for different types of flowers to stay organized... I hate feeling the need to be so organized but it bothers me if I'm not.

     Along side the flower and rose bed, why not try an orchard? I want to plant a forest but my parents of course don't like the idea of that and frankly there just isn't enough yard left to do so. I rather enjoy tending to nature. I can help it thrive without the worry of offending someone or being judged. I plan on planting something around twelve to fifteen trees, all depends on how much space I have left over from the beeboxes.

     The last thing I have in mind for this summer at the moment is bees. I'm hoping to become a bee keeper. Not only would it be a fun experience, but it would also be a smart move. My plants would thrive, and anything that bares fruit should produce much better bushels. One of the reasons I want a rose bed is, because the only way to get rose seeds is if bees pollinate the flower. I would then use the seeds to make starts, and either breed different verities of roses or just sell them the way they are. I'm unsure about rather or not I want to take the time to cross rose breads.


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