Tuesday, April 9, 2019

The Climb Of A Steep Mountain Made Of Dry Sand (How to view life after hard times)

For those who struggle with Anxiety and depression or maybe have a major life goal coming ahead. Keep this in mind as you try to overcome and fulfill your dreams or conqueror your feats. Everyone will go through this at some point and feel like it may be time to give up and move onto something new. Rather it's a dream, promotion, getting over a fear, relationship with someone. This is what you need to tell yourself to keep going. Currently I've been facing quite a few problems and people bringing me down. Rather they are trying to or not isn't the point. I love someone truly and this is how I feel with all the obstacles I'm gone through to keep this amazing person, my soulmate.

Constantly, I feel like I'm trying to climb a mountain of dry sand. Each step taken is like a step wasted as I only slide down back to where I started but maybe a centimeter closer to the top each step. Dry sand isn't the only thing setting me back on this long impossible haul. What can be worse than climbing a mountain of dry sand? Walking against strong winds that have the power to push a human back. Each day, walking up a mountain the slides beneath you, and winds pushing back. I only get one centimeter closer to the top. I know there are days it looks like I give up or even days it looks like someone has given up. However, after trying to accomplish something has climbing such a theoretical mountain, you would be drained and need a break.

After each break taken, I have the strength to continue moving on. However, instead of moving up one centimeter each day. I have the ability and mindset to move up two centimeters. That's not all, after each short intermission that number continues to go up. Until, finally, I have made it to the top. I will never give up on what matters. Even if it leaves me to rot in prison, freeze under a bridge, or even kills me.

I want everyone to realize and know that for most who struggle with depression, this is the battle we go through. Everyone should realize and keep in mind, this struggle will happen to everyone at some point in time. Please, remember this. This is how I continue to move on. My love for this matter is what matters most to me, and I will never give up on it, I will never give up on my family. To some that's not always the case, just keep in mind what matters most to you, and remember each time you come back to it. The closer you will be to grabbing those stars.

I will eventually try to rewrite this and make it a bit more inspirational and less about me, more about others. Just a thought that's been setting in my head that I haven't had much time to do with. 

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